Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Time to rant - School

Hi. I feel like setting something on fire.

Sorry. Any way, better explain why I'm in a vicious mood. School. I'd normally avoid a horrible cliche of moaning on about school being boring or whatever, but today just pushed me over the edge. I had two letters through the door today. One of them is telling me that I'm underachieving in science and maths. Nothing to rant about yet, but then it got really interesting. I opened the next letter and found I'd been accepted into NAGTY - The national academy for gifted and talented youth ( Add in two scoops; My maths teacher, Mr. Hart, being the most evil thing EVER to have taught me (Sorry sir. I just hate you)m and Mrs. Seamen (science teacher), being unable to control the class, teaching us shit all, and generally screwing up. Mrs. Burstow is on leave and to be fairly honest we want her back alot. Sprinkle this ice cream of hatred with the fact that I got a level 6 in my science test - 3 being LOW, and 7 being blood smart.

I'm in a seriously shitty mood. I don't know if the "boffins" who write/send these letters even bothered to CHECK what was going on. I'm trying to hold back from saying I hate these teachers, as I'm way too nice apparently... But this is tipping me over the FREAKIN' EDGE. Mr. Hart gave me a D.T today, I couldn't care less. I might just throw it away. Anyway, staying on subject; I'm hoping that they've checked but I mean, for all I know it's an automated ROBOT. Intimate or what? I just know Mr. Vickers will be involved soon, He's my form tutor. As much as I usually like him, I wish he'd keep his nose out of it. It's like he's showing off to the higher levels and it's really, really annoying.

While I'm ranting about school I'll fit as much as I can in. Next on the agenda? Uniforms. Everyone in school today has received a letter about a drop in uniform standard. Who gives a toss? It's all to impress someone of a higher level. We're the bottom of the god damn food chain; we impress the teachers, they impress the governors, and it carries on to pope level. But I mean, it's one button, at the top. Positives? You look smarter, apparently. Negatives? You look and feel as uncomfortable as a cat in a dog's kennel. Not to mention the strangling sensation. Tucking your shirt in apparently makes you well dressed... what they don't see is all those self conscious people shifting nervously about. They don't see the people squirming because they feel tight and horribly awkward.

Moving on, let me see. Dinners? Seems fine, except the sup- AHA! The support team.
They are basically.. Well, demons really. They sold their soul (free time) to hell (school, and all its assets) for cold, hard cash. They're a bunch of sixth formers who walk around at lunches telling people to move form places. It's that simple, yet so, so effective. It takes us two minutes to go back to wherever we where. Some of the places that are "banned" I could understand; behind the school near the dodgy pond, actually ON the roads coming into school, near the construction work. But today we were actually moved from the path, guarded by a fence, next to the car park. Sounds reasonable until you realise the CARS ARE PARKED. If you're stupid enough to get hurt by a parked car then well, you deserve it. These support team have traded respect for money; we hate them. All of them. Well maybe not Joe's sister, cause she didn't care today and had cool glasses. BUT MOST OF 'EM.

I'll stop now, this was only supposed to be a one paragraph rant, but it's turned into a playground of destruction. All I can say to those mentioned?
*Fart noise* Jog on.

BG '07 out.


Anonymous said...

Hardihaha I beat you in science and come you get into (isert wierd thing her for clever peoples) and i do notnot?!

Anonymous said...

Good words.