Saturday, March 10, 2007


So it's half past one in the afternoon, Saturday, March tenth, and I'm bored out of my mind. I'm getting nagged from every direction to set up a Myspace, or Bebo, or some other way of showing off how many friends you have... And I'm thinking, do I really care about having some fancy ass site with an actual friend counter on it? No, not really... But I've always wanted to keep some form of diary, and whenever I started one in real life I got sick of my hand aching from pen writing, some I gave up in, say, mid to late January.

Then the thought struck me like an apple from a tree (Cheers Newton)... blogging. I'd never been a huge fan, always seemed kind of pointless but since I wanted to keep a diary anyway, I thought, hey, I'll give it a shot.

If you're actually reading this then thanks for taking the time... You're either a good friend or someone who likes reading about strangers. Either way, you sound good to me.


Anonymous said...

ben this is really good. :)

Ben said...

Why thanks, leave your name next time although i'm thinking it's Grace.

Anonymous said...

Wooo that was amazing.
That trip was GREAT.
kk :]

Hannah pass

Anonymous said...

ummm i didnt read most of it

Anonymous said...

Hey guess what i have a new blogg any you aint getting my addy so nerrr :P

Anonymous said...

wow the trip sounded amazing !! :]] Megumzz <3!
P.s take me to the V festival please fhkface. xD

Ben said...

Bah Zoe, now I'm gonna be awake all night thinking about your blog. Tell me! *Cry* Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Ben u really spend way to much of ur time on the internet come park next week

Anonymous said...

Why do you close your eyes when we make love

Anonymous said...

Woo nice blog :))