Saturday, August 04, 2007


Alright, so I finally got round to seeing 300. And, of course, it KICKS ASS. No idea who the lead is but, he's a pretty damn fun actor to watch. There's not much to be said about it, just watch it instead. It was on TV Links last time I looked... I'll paste the link in a minute. It's got sword, shields, blood, gore, VIOLENCE, spartans, shouting, arrows, boobs, violence again... All the classic ingrediants of a hard-boiled modern day action flick... But frank miller helped with it, which makes it alot better for some mystical reason. Anywho, check it out.

Oh, that link.
Free TV shows, movies etc. Yes, it's legal, or it wouldnt be online... Christ.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

A short mention to varied notes

Right, I'm going to start using this blog more starting August. Beforehand, I'll list some things that have happened that I couldnt be bothered writing down fully.

- Went paintballing with Ollie (who's birthday it was), Harry and Jack. Then stayed up until some absurd time around 4 in the morning playing the Nintendo 64, then went to the park the next day and met...
- Naomi, who's awesome. I have to throw that in as I just walked her home not long ago at about 11:30 at night.
- Saw Shrek 3, it was good, not as much so as the first or second but worth it.
- Saw the Simpson's movie, it was great. Screw the haters.
- Finished Zelda oracle of seasons. If anyone cares, I love you.
- Halfway through Resident Evil 4. Eep!

That's about it.. I think. Bye!