Sunday, March 11, 2007

Talking lost property and windows Vista

So I woke up this morning (Sunday, march 11th) and my mum is stood outside my room getting ready for work. She tells me that some woman rang and asked for a Ben G. Ok, this was kind of weird. But then mum tells me that she'd found a phone and wallet in west park, on a bench near the skate ramps. And my number was the first that appeared in the phone. So apparently mum walked over to find they were Jake's wallet and phone.

All I can say is: You dope. Your lucky the nice tourist lady found it, lucky the guys on the skate ramps didn't steal them, lucky it didn't rain on them and lucky my mum went to pick them up for you. Whatever are we going to do with you, Jakey boy?


On a slightly more technical note, I thought I'd throw in a small word on why I couldn't really care less about windows vista.

What are the main features? One is it looks alot prettier but hey, there's nothing wrong with Linux. I'm not a user (YET Rob, YET), but there's a video I was shown by Mr. brackets over there that's tempting me to turn to the Penguin side (
The other is the security. But sometimes, when I hear about all this added stuff it makes me feel like I won't be able to leave the house without my screen flashing with a warning message. I feel as though when I'm physically ill, like with flu or something, Vista will try and erase the bug itself. If that's not invasion then don't tell me what is.

Also, there's no clear way of telling if my games will work well on it. From all I've heard the beta testing was pretty crappy - World of warcraft will run but alot slower. Plus, I really don't need to upgrade yet because there's no Direct X 10 games yet, which means I don't need Direct X 10 yet. Simple.

And finally... What is Vista's main competitor? Windows XP. They're just trying to out do themselves now and if I'm honest, I couldn't give a rat's ass.

UPDATE: Rob reminded me of a very short but stunning point. four hundred pounds for a Direct X 10 graphics card. Yeah, I'll just take a PS3, thanks.


Anonymous said...

Vista... I could write a lot, but I might as well start my own blog for it... it would go on for days. I will summarise: vista:
1)pretty looks
2)more secure
3)DX10 with £400 card
4)For all the basic needs(office suite, security software(yes vista still needs it)etc.) it costs about £1000
5)Added slowness
1)using beryl it makes vista look like sawdust
3)comes with office suite and you can download (nearly)anything you want for free
4)no worries about security
5)Can run most windows games

Only use vista if your buying a new PC, otherwise there's no point upgrading. Get Linux. If you need help ask ben and he'll put you in touch with me

Ben said...

Yeah, i'll interview you some time rob and get some things clear. Even about Diablo 3 maybe.

Anonymous said...

Good god

Anonymous said...

its me agen...alfie
And i have to agree windows vista looks like the rear end of a half eaten zebra fleeing from king kong.. sorry about that imagery.. but yeh its a pile of turd and i really loath windows especially for reproducing the playstation in the form of (yes andy) the shitty xbox, i'm considerin converting to linux, must ask about that..

Ben said...

Ask rob. Seriousl, he's like the biggest anti - windows person I know.