Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Big(ish) update.

Ok, I havn't written anything in a while, admitted. I thought I'd jot down a few points.

1. The PS3 was launched friday, march 23rd. Yes, I've been suffering serious gamer's depression - I really, REALLY want one. And of course there's rumours about "overheating" and "no backwards compatability"... As far as I know, bullcrap.
2. It's the easter holidays soon. Just thought I'd throw in a note.
3. Interestingly, my blog was machine-marked as a "spam blog". I don't mind, it took like a day to fix, but it was interesting how a few links can get you flagged.

4. I've dug up my old sonic obsession. As you may be able to tell from my picture... And I'll post a flash game at the bottom of the post.
5. I'm changing just a few things around the blog, just a few. My picture, bio, the "now playing" bar, the recommendations (now one thing per week).

6. Gladiators rules. Period.
7. I really, REALLY want to go and see 300. I was a massive fan of Sin City, so big in fact, I had to throw is onto my favourite movies list. Frank Miller's next outing looks pretty damn cool too.

As promised, here's a flash game of sonic. I managed to get to world 2-2 without dying.. Yay?
I'm not doing the HTML thing as last time I did, i got an error and had to re write this. GRR.

BG '07 out.

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