Hi. I feel like setting something on fire.
Sorry. Any way, better explain why I'm in a vicious mood. School. I'd normally avoid a horrible cliche of moaning on about school being boring or whatever, but today just pushed me over the edge. I had two letters through the door today. One of them is telling me that I'm underachieving in science and maths. Nothing to rant about yet, but then it got really interesting. I opened the next letter and found I'd been accepted into NAGTY - The national academy for gifted and talented youth (http://www.nagty.ac.uk). Add in two scoops; My maths teacher, Mr. Hart, being the most evil thing EVER to have taught me (Sorry sir. I just hate you)m and Mrs. Seamen (science teacher), being unable to control the class, teaching us shit all, and generally screwing up. Mrs. Burstow is on leave and to be fairly honest we want her back alot. Sprinkle this ice cream of hatred with the fact that I got a level 6 in my science test - 3 being LOW, and 7 being blood smart.
I'm in a seriously shitty mood. I don't know if the "boffins" who write/send these letters even bothered to CHECK what was going on. I'm trying to hold back from saying I hate these teachers, as I'm way too nice apparently... But this is tipping me over the FREAKIN' EDGE. Mr. Hart gave me a D.T today, I couldn't care less. I might just throw it away. Anyway, staying on subject; I'm hoping that they've checked but I mean, for all I know it's an automated ROBOT. Intimate or what? I just know Mr. Vickers will be involved soon, He's my form tutor. As much as I usually like him, I wish he'd keep his nose out of it. It's like he's showing off to the higher levels and it's really, really annoying.
While I'm ranting about school I'll fit as much as I can in. Next on the agenda? Uniforms. Everyone in school today has received a letter about a drop in uniform standard. Who gives a toss? It's all to impress someone of a higher level. We're the bottom of the god damn food chain; we impress the teachers, they impress the governors, and it carries on to pope level. But I mean, it's one button, at the top. Positives? You look smarter, apparently. Negatives? You look and feel as uncomfortable as a cat in a dog's kennel. Not to mention the strangling sensation. Tucking your shirt in apparently makes you well dressed... what they don't see is all those self conscious people shifting nervously about. They don't see the people squirming because they feel tight and horribly awkward.
Moving on, let me see. Dinners? Seems fine, except the sup- AHA! The support team.
They are basically.. Well, demons really. They sold their soul (free time) to hell (school, and all its assets) for cold, hard cash. They're a bunch of sixth formers who walk around at lunches telling people to move form places. It's that simple, yet so, so effective. It takes us two minutes to go back to wherever we where. Some of the places that are "banned" I could understand; behind the school near the dodgy pond, actually ON the roads coming into school, near the construction work. But today we were actually moved from the path, guarded by a fence, next to the car park. Sounds reasonable until you realise the CARS ARE PARKED. If you're stupid enough to get hurt by a parked car then well, you deserve it. These support team have traded respect for money; we hate them. All of them. Well maybe not Joe's sister, cause she didn't care today and had cool glasses. BUT MOST OF 'EM.
I'll stop now, this was only supposed to be a one paragraph rant, but it's turned into a playground of destruction. All I can say to those mentioned?
*Fart noise* Jog on.
BG '07 out.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Big(ish) update.
Ok, I havn't written anything in a while, admitted. I thought I'd jot down a few points.
1. The PS3 was launched friday, march 23rd. Yes, I've been suffering serious gamer's depression - I really, REALLY want one. And of course there's rumours about "overheating" and "no backwards compatability"... As far as I know, bullcrap.
2. It's the easter holidays soon. Just thought I'd throw in a note.
3. Interestingly, my blog was machine-marked as a "spam blog". I don't mind, it took like a day to fix, but it was interesting how a few links can get you flagged.
4. I've dug up my old sonic obsession. As you may be able to tell from my picture... And I'll post a flash game at the bottom of the post.
5. I'm changing just a few things around the blog, just a few. My picture, bio, the "now playing" bar, the recommendations (now one thing per week).
6. Gladiators rules. Period.
7. I really, REALLY want to go and see 300. I was a massive fan of Sin City, so big in fact, I had to throw is onto my favourite movies list. Frank Miller's next outing looks pretty damn cool too.
As promised, here's a flash game of sonic. I managed to get to world 2-2 without dying.. Yay?
I'm not doing the HTML thing as last time I did, i got an error and had to re write this. GRR.
BG '07 out.
1. The PS3 was launched friday, march 23rd. Yes, I've been suffering serious gamer's depression - I really, REALLY want one. And of course there's rumours about "overheating" and "no backwards compatability"... As far as I know, bullcrap.
2. It's the easter holidays soon. Just thought I'd throw in a note.
3. Interestingly, my blog was machine-marked as a "spam blog". I don't mind, it took like a day to fix, but it was interesting how a few links can get you flagged.
4. I've dug up my old sonic obsession. As you may be able to tell from my picture... And I'll post a flash game at the bottom of the post.
5. I'm changing just a few things around the blog, just a few. My picture, bio, the "now playing" bar, the recommendations (now one thing per week).
6. Gladiators rules. Period.
7. I really, REALLY want to go and see 300. I was a massive fan of Sin City, so big in fact, I had to throw is onto my favourite movies list. Frank Miller's next outing looks pretty damn cool too.
As promised, here's a flash game of sonic. I managed to get to world 2-2 without dying.. Yay?
I'm not doing the HTML thing as last time I did, i got an error and had to re write this. GRR.
BG '07 out.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Why, that's my dainty Ariel
We went (School) to see a stage production of the tempest today. We missed periods four and five and went by coach to the "New Vic" theatre. We sat in a medium sized round room called "The Round". Imaginative or what. It was a pretty damn good performance, no pictures as they weren't allowed. Got an awesome card from the gift shop though (See below).

BG '07 out.

BG '07 out.
Monday, March 12, 2007
New monitor
I was round at Clippie's (Diablo/linux nut) house today checking out his beautiful new monitor and just before he left he offered me a pretty cool Dell one, his old old one, free. It's the same size screen as mine but looks better and is black (Mmm).
My new baby:

My old lover:

Also, following on from my vista rant, I have another point to make. But instead of blabbing, allow the glorious Penny arcade to show you. (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/02/02)
BG07 out.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Talking lost property and windows Vista
So I woke up this morning (Sunday, march 11th) and my mum is stood outside my room getting ready for work. She tells me that some woman rang and asked for a Ben G. Ok, this was kind of weird. But then mum tells me that she'd found a phone and wallet in west park, on a bench near the skate ramps. And my number was the first that appeared in the phone. So apparently mum walked over to find they were Jake's wallet and phone.
All I can say is: You dope. Your lucky the nice tourist lady found it, lucky the guys on the skate ramps didn't steal them, lucky it didn't rain on them and lucky my mum went to pick them up for you. Whatever are we going to do with you, Jakey boy?
On a slightly more technical note, I thought I'd throw in a small word on why I couldn't really care less about windows vista.
What are the main features? One is it looks alot prettier but hey, there's nothing wrong with Linux. I'm not a user (YET Rob, YET), but there's a video I was shown by Mr. brackets over there that's tempting me to turn to the Penguin side (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/434675/windows_vista_aero_vs_linux_ubuntu_beryl/).
The other is the security. But sometimes, when I hear about all this added stuff it makes me feel like I won't be able to leave the house without my screen flashing with a warning message. I feel as though when I'm physically ill, like with flu or something, Vista will try and erase the bug itself. If that's not invasion then don't tell me what is.
Also, there's no clear way of telling if my games will work well on it. From all I've heard the beta testing was pretty crappy - World of warcraft will run but alot slower. Plus, I really don't need to upgrade yet because there's no Direct X 10 games yet, which means I don't need Direct X 10 yet. Simple.
And finally... What is Vista's main competitor? Windows XP. They're just trying to out do themselves now and if I'm honest, I couldn't give a rat's ass.
UPDATE: Rob reminded me of a very short but stunning point. four hundred pounds for a Direct X 10 graphics card. Yeah, I'll just take a PS3, thanks.
All I can say is: You dope. Your lucky the nice tourist lady found it, lucky the guys on the skate ramps didn't steal them, lucky it didn't rain on them and lucky my mum went to pick them up for you. Whatever are we going to do with you, Jakey boy?
On a slightly more technical note, I thought I'd throw in a small word on why I couldn't really care less about windows vista.
What are the main features? One is it looks alot prettier but hey, there's nothing wrong with Linux. I'm not a user (YET Rob, YET), but there's a video I was shown by Mr. brackets over there that's tempting me to turn to the Penguin side (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/434675/windows_vista_aero_vs_linux_ubuntu_beryl/).
The other is the security. But sometimes, when I hear about all this added stuff it makes me feel like I won't be able to leave the house without my screen flashing with a warning message. I feel as though when I'm physically ill, like with flu or something, Vista will try and erase the bug itself. If that's not invasion then don't tell me what is.
Also, there's no clear way of telling if my games will work well on it. From all I've heard the beta testing was pretty crappy - World of warcraft will run but alot slower. Plus, I really don't need to upgrade yet because there's no Direct X 10 games yet, which means I don't need Direct X 10 yet. Simple.
And finally... What is Vista's main competitor? Windows XP. They're just trying to out do themselves now and if I'm honest, I couldn't give a rat's ass.
UPDATE: Rob reminded me of a very short but stunning point. four hundred pounds for a Direct X 10 graphics card. Yeah, I'll just take a PS3, thanks.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Belgium and beyond
So on Wednesday, at ten at night, I arrived at school with my friend Catherine (thanks for the lift!). Met up with everybody because we were going to Belgium and France with school, to see the battlefields, trenches and war graves from WWI.
We got on the coach and went to the top floor, right at the back near some sixth formers... They're like half-teachers. They'll tell you to behave but they don't really give a toss. We were in seats of two so I paired up with Ollie, except we were sat in a big bunch of friends. Initially it was me and the... ecstatic Ollie, Alfie and Jack F, Will and Jack M, Sophie and Zoe. all the way through the journeys we kept changing seats around and later Rachel joined us for the ride home. Anyway, on with the narrative.
We drove for hours on end, stopping once at a service station. There we played house of the dead four! I didn't even know that existed. You get an Uzi lite gun each which just kicks ass. So yeah, we were there at like half past one in the morning on an arcade game, and It felt weird. Almost like a dream. I wanted to buy someone a teddy because I felt really good but nobody particularly wanted one. Humph.
So we set off again, with Ollie flashing his torch out of the window to try and blind drivers. Great going... Ahem. We travelled for hours more, surviving on Tic Tacs and Editors (http://www.editorsofficial.com/). We eventually arrived at Dover and saw the white cliffs a little before boarding and early ferry. I think we were on it for about two hours. There were like, three cafes/restaurants, an arcade (With house of the dead three, but we knew about this one. Two shotguns. Awesome.), and a highly overpriced shop. I bought a portable game of Downfall to play on the coach, mainly because Zoe liked it (sigh, me eh?).
Eventually we arrived in Belgium and travelled some more to France. We stopped at a (what we thought at first was) large graveyard full of white grave stones. We found the grave of a fifteen year old boy too, and we read some of the monuments. And Zoe kept repeating a poem, suicide in the trenches.
She actually only repeated the last verse but I posted the whole thing as I think it's a great poem... Even if we did study it for two months in year eight (Grr).
So we then moved on and I was so tired at the time I'm not even sure where we went to at what times... I know we went to a museum, or two. And some trenches where I bent all my fingers back falling down some ridiculous stairs. Anyway, hours later we got like two and a half hours free time in Eypes, a really nice town. And lucky for us, the fair was in town! So first we got a great deal on a ruck of Belgian chocolate before going on the bumper cars for like two hours. We walked around the shops and bought a few cheap things (I got a notebook that I later left in the hotel, hooray). We then finally got to go to the hotel, a pretty damn nice place too. We got an hour to unwind and unpack, I stayed in a two person room with Andy, a dodgy TV and en suite bathroom.
I changed from my travelling T shirt, jacket and walking boots to a nice black shirt and pants and Converse. We all went down for tea, thin chips and a pretty tasty piece of chicken. We then went out to watch a daily ceremony, the last post. They play a trumpet, lay a wreath and play again. Quite powerful stuff. We then headed back to the hotel to muck about for a few hours.
As I said, I was sharing a room with Andy. Well, I was out and about the corridors so I left him to it, inside the room with the key card. I said I'd ask when I wanted in. Well after two hours of running about laughing, I decided to go back. Knock knock. No answer. we tried this for ages, screaming and kicking at the door before we decided to go around looking for him for half an hour. Got no where. Went to reception and got a spare key card, unlocked the room... Fast asleep on his bed with the TV on. Bah.
The next morning we had a really nice breakfast buffet, I just had lots of bread and I got the last chocolate croissant. Stuff you all! Ahem. after, we headed to the coach and waited before realise George, Ben and Dan were missing. Ten minutes later they show up half dressed and yawning. always a funny sight.
the rest of the day was spent in France looking at a few more sights, quite nice but still tiring. The journey back felt alot shorter too.
And that's about it! Generally, everything was fine... Five people got pulverised for being outside water fighting but apart from that it was all cool. Got my photos developed today and they're good (Zoe's on ten?! How did that happen?), got some nice ones and some silly ones. Caroline will love it next year and I really, really want to go again, mainly because of the amount of time we got to spend with friends. So awesome. It's always nice to be back in England though... When I got in, I had beans on toast, a bath and bed. Hehe.
In reply to comments:
Alfie: I can't find your video.
Kelly: I'll be back soon. IOU 1 huge.
Caro: No I didn't get any belgian rock. Just chocolate.
Zoe: I'm a dope, yes I left my notebook... Oops. but my friend Vicky, from huntingdon is going next week so I'll ask her to get it if she goes to the same place.
Caroline: How does that tune go?
UPDATE: After reading Zoe's blog (no, you can't have the adress) I remembered she LOST MY HAT OVERBOARD. Oh well, it's fine, Cause it's Zoe.
UPDATE 2: Forgot about Sophie and Mark. Well, me and a few people finally realised they are together so me and Jack F decided to do a routine "Love check" Where we'd peek our nosey... Noses over, to see how things were. We got bored when the Uno deck was brought out.
Viva la France! And Belgium of course.
We got on the coach and went to the top floor, right at the back near some sixth formers... They're like half-teachers. They'll tell you to behave but they don't really give a toss. We were in seats of two so I paired up with Ollie, except we were sat in a big bunch of friends. Initially it was me and the... ecstatic Ollie, Alfie and Jack F, Will and Jack M, Sophie and Zoe. all the way through the journeys we kept changing seats around and later Rachel joined us for the ride home. Anyway, on with the narrative.
We drove for hours on end, stopping once at a service station. There we played house of the dead four! I didn't even know that existed. You get an Uzi lite gun each which just kicks ass. So yeah, we were there at like half past one in the morning on an arcade game, and It felt weird. Almost like a dream. I wanted to buy someone a teddy because I felt really good but nobody particularly wanted one. Humph.
So we set off again, with Ollie flashing his torch out of the window to try and blind drivers. Great going... Ahem. We travelled for hours more, surviving on Tic Tacs and Editors (http://www.editorsofficial.com/). We eventually arrived at Dover and saw the white cliffs a little before boarding and early ferry. I think we were on it for about two hours. There were like, three cafes/restaurants, an arcade (With house of the dead three, but we knew about this one. Two shotguns. Awesome.), and a highly overpriced shop. I bought a portable game of Downfall to play on the coach, mainly because Zoe liked it (sigh, me eh?).
Eventually we arrived in Belgium and travelled some more to France. We stopped at a (what we thought at first was) large graveyard full of white grave stones. We found the grave of a fifteen year old boy too, and we read some of the monuments. And Zoe kept repeating a poem, suicide in the trenches.
I knew a simple soldier boy
Who grinned
at life in empty joy
Slept soundly through the lonesome dark
whistled early with the lark.
In winter trenches, cowed and
With crumps
and lice and lack of rum,
He put a bullet through his brain.
No one
spoke of him again.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you’ll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
She actually only repeated the last verse but I posted the whole thing as I think it's a great poem... Even if we did study it for two months in year eight (Grr).
So we then moved on and I was so tired at the time I'm not even sure where we went to at what times... I know we went to a museum, or two. And some trenches where I bent all my fingers back falling down some ridiculous stairs. Anyway, hours later we got like two and a half hours free time in Eypes, a really nice town. And lucky for us, the fair was in town! So first we got a great deal on a ruck of Belgian chocolate before going on the bumper cars for like two hours. We walked around the shops and bought a few cheap things (I got a notebook that I later left in the hotel, hooray). We then finally got to go to the hotel, a pretty damn nice place too. We got an hour to unwind and unpack, I stayed in a two person room with Andy, a dodgy TV and en suite bathroom.
I changed from my travelling T shirt, jacket and walking boots to a nice black shirt and pants and Converse. We all went down for tea, thin chips and a pretty tasty piece of chicken. We then went out to watch a daily ceremony, the last post. They play a trumpet, lay a wreath and play again. Quite powerful stuff. We then headed back to the hotel to muck about for a few hours.
As I said, I was sharing a room with Andy. Well, I was out and about the corridors so I left him to it, inside the room with the key card. I said I'd ask when I wanted in. Well after two hours of running about laughing, I decided to go back. Knock knock. No answer. we tried this for ages, screaming and kicking at the door before we decided to go around looking for him for half an hour. Got no where. Went to reception and got a spare key card, unlocked the room... Fast asleep on his bed with the TV on. Bah.
The next morning we had a really nice breakfast buffet, I just had lots of bread and I got the last chocolate croissant. Stuff you all! Ahem. after, we headed to the coach and waited before realise George, Ben and Dan were missing. Ten minutes later they show up half dressed and yawning. always a funny sight.
the rest of the day was spent in France looking at a few more sights, quite nice but still tiring. The journey back felt alot shorter too.
And that's about it! Generally, everything was fine... Five people got pulverised for being outside water fighting but apart from that it was all cool. Got my photos developed today and they're good (Zoe's on ten?! How did that happen?), got some nice ones and some silly ones. Caroline will love it next year and I really, really want to go again, mainly because of the amount of time we got to spend with friends. So awesome. It's always nice to be back in England though... When I got in, I had beans on toast, a bath and bed. Hehe.
In reply to comments:
Alfie: I can't find your video.
Kelly: I'll be back soon. IOU 1 huge.
Caro: No I didn't get any belgian rock. Just chocolate.
Zoe: I'm a dope, yes I left my notebook... Oops. but my friend Vicky, from huntingdon is going next week so I'll ask her to get it if she goes to the same place.
Caroline: How does that tune go?
UPDATE: After reading Zoe's blog (no, you can't have the adress) I remembered she LOST MY HAT OVERBOARD. Oh well, it's fine, Cause it's Zoe.
UPDATE 2: Forgot about Sophie and Mark. Well, me and a few people finally realised they are together so me and Jack F decided to do a routine "Love check" Where we'd peek our nosey... Noses over, to see how things were. We got bored when the Uno deck was brought out.
Viva la France! And Belgium of course.
So it's half past one in the afternoon, Saturday, March tenth, and I'm bored out of my mind. I'm getting nagged from every direction to set up a Myspace, or Bebo, or some other way of showing off how many friends you have... And I'm thinking, do I really care about having some fancy ass site with an actual friend counter on it? No, not really... But I've always wanted to keep some form of diary, and whenever I started one in real life I got sick of my hand aching from pen writing, some I gave up in, say, mid to late January.
Then the thought struck me like an apple from a tree (Cheers Newton)... blogging. I'd never been a huge fan, always seemed kind of pointless but since I wanted to keep a diary anyway, I thought, hey, I'll give it a shot.
If you're actually reading this then thanks for taking the time... You're either a good friend or someone who likes reading about strangers. Either way, you sound good to me.
Then the thought struck me like an apple from a tree (Cheers Newton)... blogging. I'd never been a huge fan, always seemed kind of pointless but since I wanted to keep a diary anyway, I thought, hey, I'll give it a shot.
If you're actually reading this then thanks for taking the time... You're either a good friend or someone who likes reading about strangers. Either way, you sound good to me.
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