Just look at all this stuff i got today. How awesomeis that. Very, that's how.
1. A free T-Shirt that I got with OPM. It says "This is living" and "Playstation 3". So, so good.
2. The crying game on DVD. Got it cheap because my sister advised me to watch it, it's apprently got one of the best twists... Ever. Review soon
3. PS1 GAMES! to go with...
4. ...The PS1, my old one, that I got from my dads today. When I nab a PS3 they'll all be lined up. Sweet.
5. Official playstation magazine issue 6. I was in issue 4. B'doing! I love the new vesion and I can't wait to read this - Details of GA IV and the new Ratchet and Clank games to come!
6. The Prince of Persia trilogy on PS2. I don't know what made me buy these, probably the ten pound cost. But they look cool, review to come.
7. Myst on PSP, 'cause nobody I know has heard of it and that's just awesome. Looks great too. Review to come, again. I'll never save my hands...
8. Free peanut M&M's from OPM. I don't like peanut but that was a cool touch.
Other shit
Umm, what else. Oh yeah, we went bowling today. Me, Gooseman (Joe), Mrs. Idontwinmuch (Zoe), The ben copycat (Lisa), and spanner (Hannah). Don't ask me about the names I just made them up. Anyway, I came joint second with Lisa, hence her name, Zoe came last, hence hers, and Joe came first... His name is because he has a oose in his garden.
Also, It's Abi's birthday. She's (finally) 14. so here's you mention.
Happy? Yeah. Happy birthday pickle. <3
- BG '07 out.